Wedge Scaffold Systems


:: Quickwedge system ::


Quickwedge is also known as kwikstage, it is a modular system scaffold with wedge fixing all access scaffold requirements. The wedge fixing of the ledgers and transoms gives a simple and fast means of erecting access scaffolding without loose parts, its rigid 4 way fixing giving a positive location without movement, spigot and wedge fitting on the standar to give guaranteed vertical alignment.

Silent Features:

  • The wedge fixing of the ledgers and transoms gives a simple and fast means of erecting access scaffolding without loose parts.
  • Rigid 4 way fixing giving a positive location without movement.
  • Spigot and wedge fitting on the standard to give guaranteed vertical alignment.
  • Quality primed and painted finish for maintenance free use.
  • Conforms to BS1139 Part 5, HD1000, OSHA and Australian New Zealand Standards.


Our range of Quickwedge scaffolding components are used in the scaffold requirements. The components include in Quickwedge scaffolding are Quickwedge standards / verticals, kwikstage / quickwedge ledgers, Quickwedge board brackets, kwikstage tie bar and kwikstage face brace. A short description of them are as follows:

Various Quick wedge Scaffold Systems by CHAUDHARYSCAFF are as follows:

Standard / Vertical Quickwedge


3.0 17.27
2.5 14.5
2.0 11.74
1.5 8.99
1.0 6.21
Standard-Vertical-QuickwedgQuikwedge Standards / Verticals form the support or the uprights and are made from Standard Scaffold Tubes of 48.3 x 4 mm thick. With the latest innovations, they are also available in 48.3 X 3.25 mm. They have a series of “V” Pressed welded at nominal 500 mm on the tube to provide a location for ledger and transoms. They are also available with integral wedge spigots or as open ended.


Ledger/Horizontal Quickwedge


2.4 9.39
1.8 7.22
1.2 5.23
Ledger-Horizontal-quickwedgeQuikwedge Ledger/Horizantal These items are made from tube with wedge-fixing device at each ends. These are used to lie in the uprights or standards longitudinally. On the inside of the scaffold of the scaffold they are used at platform level and on the outside as a guardrail.


Quick wedge Transom


1.2 9.8
0.7 6.3
quickwedge-transomQuick wedge Transom They are a rolled “T” section with wedge fixing device on each ends. Also available with back to back angles of 50 x 50 x 5mm to form a “T” These transoms engaged with “V” pressing on the Standard/Verticals fixing the inner and outer standards transversely and forming a frame.



Quickwedge Return Transom


1.2 13.34
Quickwedge-Return-TransomQuickwedge Return Transom Manufactured from a steel pressing shaped so that it can be placed over a Ledger to form a 90 degee return in the scaffold, the Return Transom has a seating on one side for Steelstage or Timber Battens.



Ladder Access Transom


1.2 10.85
ladder-access-transomLadder Access Transom Ladder access Transoms are used to provide access to the scaffold platform by ladders. The coupler connects to one ledger and the ‘C’ rests on the opposite ledger. Batten boards then rest along the transom.



Scaffolding Bracing


3.5 13.52
2.1 7.98
1.7 6.73
SCAFFOLDING-DIAGONAL-BRACEScaffolding Bracing – Scaffolding Diagonal Brace has pivoting captive wedge fittings welded to each end, which locate the “V” pressing on the standards. Used to form facade bracing



Stage Bracket 1/2/3 Board


3 Board 11.80
2 Board 6.53
1 Board 2.29
STAGE-BRACKET1-2-3Stage Bracket 1/2/3 Board – One Board Stage Bracket enables an additional 255 mm platform to be provided on the inside of the scaffold. They do not require Tie Bars to connect them together. Available with rolled “T” Section or back to back welded angles. The Two and Three Board Stage Brackets enable an additional 450 mm (1’6″) and 675mm (2’3″) platform respectively to be provided on the inside of the scaffold nearest the building. Tie Bars must be used to connect the brackets together. They are available in both rolled section and back to back welded angle.



Tie Bar


3 Board 11.80
2 Board 6.53
1 Board 2.29
Tie-BarTie Bar – A length of 40 mm x 40 mm angle iron with a dowl at both ends. Used to connect stage brackets together.



Toe Board Bracket


toe-board-bracket Toe Board Bracket – When clamped to standards at the end of the scaffold platform, the End Toe Board Bracket secures the end toe board, which can be either Steelstage or timber.



End Toe Board Bracket


End Toe Bracket 2.10
end-toe-board-bracketEnd Toe Board Bracket


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